Wednesday, August 26, 2020
The Lonely Passion of Judith Hearne Essays
The Lonely Passion of Judith Hearne Essays The Lonely Passion of Judith Hearne Paper The Lonely Passion of Judith Hearne Paper Exposition Topic: Film The Lonely Passion of Judith Hearne was composed by Brian Moore and set in pre Troubles Belfast during the 50s. At the point when Jack Clayton chose to make a film of the book in 1987 he chose to move the area to 1950s Dublin. From the start these appears to be a serious peculiar activity, they were clearly two totally different urban areas in, one could contend, two distinct nations. By setting it outside Belfast, the executive is settling on a cognizant choice to just destroy the significant area of a network which must have a few ramifications upon the honesty of the story line and character improvement. This is the thing that I might want to examine today. Besides the depiction of the significant characters has unquestionably been adjusted. Some portion of this can be put down to the chiefs own understanding yet it can't be overlooked that he has purposely changed the character of a portion of these characters. Presently, I will expect that none of you has watched this film and very you few have perused this book. Be that as it may, I am expecting that everyone has a fundamental thought of the circumstance in the North. I propose in this manner to as a matter of first importance give you a wide layout of 1950s society in both Belfast and Dublin so we can open a conversation looking at the two. And afterward Im going to pick three or four sections taken from the novel and show the clasps in the film. Thusly you get a rest from me! Also, in the event that you dont mind doing a smidgen of perusing, it makes for a progressively educated conversation. Let me first reveal to you something about Brian Moore. He was conceived in 1921, which was a significant year for Ireland in general. As a matter of first importance they set up freedom from the British Empire and also we had parcel in the North. Moore was one of nine youngsters. His dad was a specialist and in general the family experience was an upbeat one. Moore went to St. Malachays, a language structure school where, as indicated by Moore they were beaten constantly So you could experience the whole day being beaten on the hands, day in, day out, everything was educated through repetition. This was a Catholic school in a transcendently Protestant milieu; in this manner we needed to improve marks than the Protestant schools. We were then beaten and constrained into accomplishment, and we werent truly educated anything. Moore left St. Malachays without the leaving cert since he bombed his Maths. He encountered the Second World War as a volunteer coffining dead bodies however was then employed by the British Ministry of War Transport to go as a Port Official to Algiers, North Africa. After one brief visit to Belfast after the war, Moore at long last emigrated to Canada where he functioned as a correspondent. Belfast, which he considered a claustrophobic backwater caught in the bad dream of history, left him feeling irate and harsh. It was at this phase he wanted to attempt to work Belfast out of his framework and search for another world wherein I and my characters could live. It was now that he started composing The Lonely Passion of Judith Hearne which was distributed in 1955. The explanations behind Moore composing Judith Hearne and the topics featured inside the novel do raise doubt about the choice to arrange the film in Dublin. Quickly, the story fixates on moderately aged Judith Hearne who moves starting with one overnight boardinghouse then onto the next. Having given the greatest long periods of her life to the government assistance of a seriously requesting lady auntie she has little rest in her life other than sentimental dreams and the collective cooperation of Sunday Mass. As though in answer to a supplication, James Madden makes advances on the scene, her landladys sibling and as of late came back from America. He after observing some costly adornments on her, is deluded into accepting she has cash and perspectives her as a possible money related accomplice. In spite of the fact that she discovers him a fool normal Judith Hearne tempers her fantasies with a specific measure of authenticity and understands that Madden is her last opportunity to satisfy a urgent want to be adored. What follows is a disaster of mistakes and when the terrible acknowledgment of the circumstance day breaks on Judith Hearne she goes first to drink as a method of departure and afterward to the congregation where the cleric botches her brutally. The tale arrives at its peak when Judith Hearne assaults the asylum in her urgent emergency of confidence and falls in a scene of all out corruption and misery. The tale closes with Judith Hearne in a sanitorium having lost her respect and her confidence a somewhat somber future. That basically is an abstract of the story line. What might be helpful, in any case, is in the event that I give you a thought of what every one of these urban communities resembled during the 1950s. Realize that the novel Judith Hearne particularly reflects Moores emotions about the city. This epic and the two books that followed was his endeavor at attempting to exorcize Belfast out of his framework and there are different entries in the novel which feature the seclusion and estrangement felt by the Nationalist people group and it was from this he attempting to get away. In any case, in attempting to get away from he couldnt shake off this sentiment of horrible depression and this is one of the principle subjects going through the novel. Taking a gander at the make up of Belfast it is straightforward these emotions. Belfast was, not normal for Dublin, a modern city. Im sure that when you consider Belfast you think about the partisan clash and the paintings yet one of its suffering pictures is the enormous delivery gantries with H and W on them. Truth be told those little connection films on the BBC shows a gathering of young men skateboarding with those gantries behind them. The message is likely lost on the vast majority of the populace yet this was proposed to show a progressively positive picture of Belfast, a modern, prosperous city that fabricated the Titanic. Be that as it may, this is an extremely Protestant picture and Belfast is a Protestant city. Protestants accepted that they had made Belfast through difficult work and venture, a triumph over mud and water, the consequence of progressive dealers, designers and business visionaries. The Nationalists then again, accepted that Belfast had consistently been theirs and that the land had been taken from them. Besides they were prohibited from the activity showcase. Belfast during the 50s saw Protestants very amazing and Catholics secluded and underestimated. Belfast was a troubled, delicate city where savagery fumed underneath the surface. So shouldn't something be said about Dublin? Would it be able to contrast and Belfast? All things considered, Dublin, having accomplished autonomy from the British Empire and afterward persevered through an exceptionally severe common war was heavily influenced by a lawmaker who despite everything trusted in Mother Ireland and who endeavored to keep up a country lifestyle. The laws of Ireland were weaved with the Catholic church which brought about an exceptionally traditionalist, controlled and many would state mistreated country Its relations with Britain were amazingly poor, where embargoes were forced by Britain causing a breakdown in the economy and huge joblessness. Irelands position of lack of bias in the Second World War on the off chance that anything declined connections and it is reasonable for state that Ireland was the wiped out man of Europe high joblessness and immense resettlement. Lets examine the main clasp which covers the opening of the novel. Ive remembered a few concentrates for you to peruse for request to analyze the two scenes. In the novel, I trust Moore was very quick to depict Middle Class Belfast in decay and to give a feeling of its disconnection and decrease through its decrepitude. In addition, Moore needs to give us a moderately aged, ugly, self important and urgently forlorn old maid who is herself kept out of the most remarkable organization maintained by the Catholic Church and that is the lady seen as the spouse and the mother and the core of the home. Judith Hearne neglects to accomplish the job expected of her and therefore she is just ever a guest to those local spaces typically relegated to ladies. This is the thing that we find in the primary clasp. By chance, Ive remembered for the books separates Judith Hearnes response to Bernard Rice, the landladys child. She is a lady who feels the strain to see each man as a possible admirer yet I do discover the executives translation rather intriguing. Maybe what the Catholics do share for all intents and purpose in the two urban communities is this severe mechanical assembly of the congregation and the family which commands their lives. You will see that Moores characters are a lot of controlled by Catholicism. Its injuries direct the perspectives, conduct and convictions of the Catholic people group both in Belfast and in Dublin. Opportunity inside such a structure is simply a figment and any endeavor to live outside its principles or in fact question its belief system can bring about mental misery. This is actually what befalls Judith Hearne, her entire presence is reliant upon the congregation and her confidence and when this confidence is shaken and she starts to scrutinize the very presence of God she has likewise to scrutinize her very purpose behind being, which prompts a breakdown. This well find in one of the later clasps. The primary contrast, I can see among Belfast and Dublin is this inclination of being on the double secured out and fixed. There is no uncertainty that the Nationalist people group endured sentiments of disengagement after Partition and that the Unionists attempts to keep them basically ghettoized and poor prompted emotions being secured in little spaces. Henceforth the utilization of the Bed and Breakfast as a setting, where as Moore puts it all the houses are divided off. This is a lot of an announcement Moore was making about the Nationalist people group in Belfast. The manner in which numerous Nationalist authors adapted to
Saturday, August 22, 2020
The Philosophy of Knowledge Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
The Philosophy of Knowledge - Essay Example The developing idea of information can be viewed as an indication of its profoundly shaky nature where it experiences visit changes after some time. While this might be the situation, information is additionally a methods through which societies are created and this is done through the transmission of what is accepted by a specific culture to people in the future. At the point when information is contrasted with truth, it tends to be proposed that the last ought to have the option to withstand the trial of time and hold its essential facts (Church, 1962, p.322). Such circumstances will in general be incredibly uncommon thinking about that the adjustments in the public arena and nature regularly guarantee that conclusions concerning various parts of life frequently change after some time. Truth is the thing that individuals hold to be perpetual and this implies it is basic for it to stay steady so as to guarantee its believability (McGarry 2010, p.8). The contention for the consistent idea of truth was the conviction, before the hypothesis of advancement was created by Charles Darwin, it was a typical faith in Europe that all creation appeared in seven days. This conviction was in accordance with the transcendently Christian scriptural lessons that were pervasive in Europe during this age. All these changed with the improvement of the advancement of the hypothesis of development and it is currently viewed as a reality that all animals advanced from progressively crude structures more than a huge number of years. What is not yet clear is whether the hypothesis of advancement will keep on being viewed as obvious information sooner rather than later.
Friday, August 21, 2020
Essay on Employment Laws, Policies and Processes
Essay on Employment Laws, Policies and Processes Employment Laws, Policies and Processes Oct 28, 2019 in Law Introduction To select the right person for the available positions, one should use the job interview process and methods that will help to define the necessary knowledge and skills. Moreover, it is crucial to follow employment laws to make the interview more reliable and legal. However, the organization can face different problems while employing temporary workers and independent contractors. Current essay intends to explain employment laws, policies and processes during interview. Moreover, the paper shows the effectiveness of HR policies and reveals the peculiarities of an inconvenient workforce. Body Job interview process presupposes such stages: the selection of applicants, creating the interview, completing the interview, checking availability of interviewers and applicants, entering interview feedback, conducting the interview and its confirming. The job interview process can be planned, but it should also include such features as creativity, spontaneity, strategic thinking, and predictability. It is evident that there should be a mutual cooperation between all participants of the job interview process to make it efficient and fruitful. To choose the needed person for the available positions, one must combine different methods like the Internet job posting, using recruitment agencies, print advertisements, and employee referrals. All these methods will be efficient if one improves and uses them with the creativity (Allen, 2014). In the process of interviewing, it is crucial to consider such employment laws as Fair Labor Standards Act and the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. Fair Labor Standards Act presupposes providing fair working hours and wages. The Rehabilitation Act of 1973 allows employing people with disabilities. Non-compliance with these laws can lead to such ramifications as poor reputation, lack of the talented employees, and complaints about the organization. Employment laws can also establish the positive relations between the organization and government. It is crucial to see the law regulations concerning labor and employment as the driving forces of the company. Moreover, the organization should include employment laws in their policy to fulfill them constantly (Ford, 2014). Order now Live Chat Another issue with the process of employment refers to an unconventional workforce that consists of temporary workers and independent contractors. An unconventional workforce demands following employee-benefit laws. Moreover, temporary workers demand more bonuses and rewards for their work. Another problem with the independent contractors is that they evaluate their knowledge and skills, therefore, the demand compensations and bonuses threatening to leave. An unconventional workforce can be beneficial for the organization as it is dynamic and flexible. However, an unconventional workforce can encounter issues in building relationships with an employer. Building relationships with each worker can encounter such issues as conflicts between team members, dissatisfaction of an employee with his/her position in the company, and low productivity because of the period of adaptation. All these issues can be solved, but an employer should respect his/her employees and create ethical conditions for their adaptation and involvement into the work. During the relationship building process, one should follow such laws as Civil Rights Act of 1964 and American with Disabilities Act to provide an equal attitude to every employee. All these laws forbid discrimination and protect an employee on the basis of gender, national origin, religion, and race. These laws would help to create positive attitudes within the organization. Fair conditions of work can raise the employees productivity and performance. As a result, it can provide a positive legal image and reputation of the company and its leader (Ford, 2014). The effectiveness of the organizations HR processes and policies should be addressed to promotion of the diverse employees. One offers such ways as using of the innovative technologies, implementation of conflict management, integration and socialization of employees. Without doubt, the result and efficiency will not be immediate. However, these ways will influence positively the aspect of the diversity in the workplace. Since the diversity can be viewed as a strength and competitive advantage, it is necessary to apply it properly. Support and encouragement of employees should be also included in HR policy. The organization should develop the strategy to promote the glass ceiling effect and prevent reverse discrimination. One has to recommend implementation of diversity management standards based on the laws and legal regulations. Moreover, it will be efficient to use anti-harassment procedures (Yerby, 2013). Nobody denies the fact that diversity benefits any organization. It is morally correct as it creates an equal opportunity for every employee. Moreover, diversity makes an economic sense. Since a diverse workforce improves the economic growth, it may gain a great consumer market share. The multigenerational workplace creates a sense of security for their stakeholders, customers, and employees. For this reason, the organizations should use this aspect for future perspectives. Diversity management goals should be legally coordinated and used in the interests of both sides: an employer and employees. Conclusion In conclusion, one should say that HR policy of the organization should be based on the legal regulations and laws that guarantee safety and security to every employee. Employers should follow ethical principles when it comes to conflicts and misunderstanding with their employees. Employment laws should be the basis of the processes of selection and recruitment as they open equal career opportunities for employees with the racial and ethnical differences and people with disabilities. Director of HR Department is responsible for following laws and regulations and protecting employees' rights. Both new and current employees should feel comfortable while cooperating with each other due to the organizational culture and legal protection.
Sunday, May 24, 2020
The Lord of the Flies Freudian Theory - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 4 Words: 1055 Downloads: 2 Date added: 2019/04/04 Category Literature Essay Level High school Tags: Lord of The Flies Essay Did you like this example? The Lord of the Flies Freudian Theory [People] are all born with a unique genetic blueprint, which lays out the basic characteristics for our personality, and yet, well all know life experiences do change [people](Vinge). In the novel Lord of the Flies, the concept of Sigmund Freuds personality theory is present in various character and. Golding personified the id, ego, and superego in his characters of Jack, Ralph, and Piggy. Influenced by his awareness of Freudian ideals, William Golding proves that all men, when faced with difficulty, will experience a struggle within themselves. Throughout the novel Lord of the Flies used as an example of Sigmund Freuds theory of Id, Ego, and Superego. His theory refers to a persons mind as having three different ideas fighting one another with one winning in the end. The winning idea being the persons action. The Id of your brain does not care about any other person and only cares for itself. If you are hungry and dont have money you will steal food. Ego is in between Id and Superego, it allows you to wait until the appropriate time to satisfy your need. If you dont have money and need food instead of stealing you ask money from a person. Super Ego is your morals and ethics. It is your inner voice telling you to do the right thing. There are two sections of Superego. Donââ¬â¢t waste time! Our writers will create an original "The Lord of the Flies Freudian Theory" essay for you Create order The Ego Ideal is what your brain registers as what you should do or what is right to do like save a person from a burning building. Conscience is what your brain registers as a wrong example knowing that stealing is very wrong. If you are following Superego an example is if you are hungry without money you get a job and work for money and help anyone else who needs help. All three of these are shown in the novel. They create a government but it slowly turns to shambles and most of the boys turn savage all except Ralph, Piggy and Simon. There are many instances of Id in the book, most of these instances are formed by the uncivil tribal boys. Id is represented throughout the book this way for example this quote. The pigs head hung down with a gaping heck and seemed to search for something on the ground. At last the words of the chant floated up to them, across the bowl of blackened wood and ashes. Kill the pig! Cut her throat! Spill her blood!(Golding 4). In this quote the tribal boys disregard the pigs life by killing it so brutally and allowing its piglets to watch. They then dance like savages around the fire and this is the start of the tribe going savage. Which shows Id in the fact that they are only thinking of themselves and taking a life. Often in the book the quote Kill the pig. Cut her throat. Spill her blood! is used, this shows the tribe is slowly turning Id completely that can also be described as savage. At once the crowd surged after it, poured down the rock, leapt on the beast, screamed, struck, hit, tore.(Golding 153). These actions are Id because they are killing one of the boys because they are bloodthirsty and itching to kill when the unfortunate Simon shows up. They decide to think of only their need for blood, and disregard his life as well similarly to how they disregarded the sow, in the way that they dont give him a chance to live and are horribly brutal to him. The tribe through the book turns savage, taking many lives without regard for the fallen and only thinking of themselves. Ego is represented like the other two branches in this book. It is not very often but very prominent when found. One example of Ego is, That was murder(Golding 156). In this quote Ralph is upset. He at the time just stood there and watched as his friend was murdered. This shows Ego because he knows this was wrong but did not act upon his feeling. My Auntie wouldnt let me blow on account of my Asama(Golding 16). This quote is Ego because Piggy understands his limitations and the rules that his Aunt made. He is respecting these rules and following them by letting Ralph blow the conch to call the others. This shows Ego because he is following rules his Aunt gave him. Though there are only a small amount of quotes in this book that are Ego they are prominent and show that the boys know what society would think of their actions. Super Ego is represented like the others throughout the book by Ralph and Piggy as well as other boys. Ralph looked at him quickly and Piggy blushed. I mean-to make sure nothing happens(Golding 148). In this quote Piggy wants to go check on the other tribe that deserted them and make sure that everything is alright, that they have water, food, fire, and housing. Piggy often makes comments similar to this one in the book where he chooses to look after other members of the group. This shows Super Ego because he is looking out for others and is trying to do what is righteous. Just an ordinary fire. Youd think we could do that? Just a smoke signal so we can be rescued. Only now theres no signal going up, ships may be passing. Do you remember how he went hunting and the fire went out and a ship passed by? And they all think hes best as chief. Then there was, there was thats his fault too. If it hadnt been for him it would never have happened. Now Piggy cant see and they came stealing(Golding, 170). Ralph is upset that the new tribe is savage that reminds the few people who are still with him that a morality society is best and helps everyone. He is looking out for every ones best interests and wishes for everyone to get along. As proven through the reading this demonstrates Sigmund Freuds theory of Id, Ego, and Superego. As you can see from the above this theory is very distinguished in this classic tale of the unfortunate result in human behavior. Although this story is truly a hard fact of life is very unfortunate the way it is.
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Essay Differences Between Indian and American Culture
AMERICAN CULTURE VS INDIAN CULTURE Cultural comparison (West vs East) Everybody has their own definition of Culture ââ¬â and when this word is used generally, most audiences have a rough idea of its meaning. Culture usually refers to the beliefs, ideas, languages, rituals and traditions by certain communities, that are passed from generation to generations continuously over the past many centuries. In society, two cultures cannot be same if one is located on the west coast and the other one is all the way to the East. As we compare, the American and Indian cultures have very vast differentiation between them. While the culture of America is a mixture of different cultures since each immigrant internally packed his or her previouslyâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦If they were to meet each other without the parentââ¬â¢s permission, it is considered as bad manner and bad upbringing. In India, the average age to marry is 24 years old for the males and 22 to 23 years old for the females. Indian weddings are usually the longest wedding, which are hel d in the night time in a huge wedding hall, that includes many different rituals which are performed in front of the God and the couple promiseââ¬â¢s each other that they will be together in a sad or a happy moment, no matter what will be the results. Even though wedding has the same meaning in every culture, the way of celebration and ceremony is different. According to, the ceremony in India is about the priest, groom, bride, and brideââ¬â¢s parents sit beneath a mandap, and a canopy. The wedding ceremony starts off with the Kanya Daan, in which the brideââ¬â¢s parents give away the brideââ¬â¢s hand to the groom with all her responsibility. Then the couple holds hands together and start circling around a small, enclosed fire in a ritual called the mangal phera for seven times by taking a seven oaths together to spend a rest of the life to live as a one soul. The seven steps around the enclosed fire, is the vow to support each other and live happily toge ther. Finally, the groom will apply a red powder to the center of the brideââ¬â¢s forehead and tie a black beaded necklace around her neck, symbolizingShow MoreRelatedDifferences Between American Culture And Indian Culture1167 Words à |à 5 PagesCulture is the characteristics and knowledge of a particular group of people, defined by everything from language, religion, cuisine, social habits, music and arts. The cultures around the world are very different and very much the alike at the same time. On the other hand, some similarities also lie between two nations. While the culture of America is a mixture of different cultures, the Indian culture is unique and has its own values. There are many types of differences lies between American cultureRead MoreDifference Between American And Indian Cultures Essay1092 Words à |à 5 PagesAs we know, all cultures have their differences. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Children Living From Single Parent Homes - 2148 Words
Children Living in Single Parent Homes Living life as a single parent can be a difficult task. You must be a good role model for both mother and father perspectives. Society portrays the perfect family on television as a family consisting of both the mother and father. However, they fail to show the effects when one of the parents is not present. There are pros and cons to living in a single parent household. Not having both parents could affect both the parent and the child, behavior of the child and how the community views the parents. Although these sound like problems they can also have positive impacts on the parents, the children, and society. Living with only one parent present can affect the childââ¬â¢s ability to perform simple tasksâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦Single parenting can not only affect the children but the parents as well. Single parents struggle daily to support their kids financially without a second parentââ¬â¢s income. For example, my mother had to work double shifts to be able to support me and my older brother. Parents find it difficult to handle basic financial needs alone. Even with support from the government, families with single parents can still have a hard time making ends meet. My mother ask my dad to pay child support. She told me and my older brother that it was not going to be easy but she was going to take care of us on her own. The financial help like child support when needed might not always be there. All the household responsibilities rely on one person instead of two cooking, tutoring and being a home maker. A parent must be ready for any situation that may arise, like a child getting sick or early dismissal of school. Whether you are sick, tired, or hurt the children still have to be cared for. Even though single parenting can be difficult, the rewards are far greater. One benefits are that as single parenting has become more socially accepted it is starting to get easier to find a job within their local community that will allow themShow MoreRelatedAdvantages and Disadvantages of Single Parent Homes1394 Words à |à 6 Pagesof single parent homes. As compared to over forty to fifty years ago, single-parent families are common in todayââ¬â¢s world. A single parent is a parent with one or more children, who is not living with any of the childrenââ¬â¢s other parents. The percentage of children wh o live with two parents has been declining among all racial and ethnic groups throughout the years. It has been found that children in single-parent homes generally fare worse than those in homes with two parents. In todayââ¬â¢s single parentRead MoreFamily Structures Are Extremely Varied In Todayââ¬â¢S Society.1625 Words à |à 7 PagesFamily structures are extremely varied in todayââ¬â¢s society. Single-parent families are becoming increasingly common. 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Regardless of the situation, children who grow up in a household with one biological parent instead of two biologica l parents are often more susceptible to risks that can be harmfulRead MoreFamily Is The Fundamental Unit Of Society And Today It Is Used With A Wide Variety Of Meanings979 Words à |à 4 Pagesmeanings (2014). In 2007, single-parent families make up thirty-two percent of the population (Benokraitis, 2012). As more adult remain single into their thirties and divorce rates are higher, the number of children living in single-parent families has increased (Benokraitis, 2012). The number of never married people has gone up form four percent in 1960 to forty-three percent in 2010 (Benokraitis, 2012). Women also run an over whelming eighty-seven percent of single-parent households in the UnitedRead MoreSingle Parent Vs Nuclear Family Essay847 Words à |à 4 PagesSingle-Parent Families versus Nuclear Families Once in society, it was absurd not to have both parents take care of their children. Parenting, it is a piece of life many people grow up with, and the way it is done keeps changing over time. In todayââ¬â¢s society, the two most popular trends in families follow, still, the nuclear family, but now, also the single-parent family dynamic. The single-parent home and nuclear family may seem like they are quite similar, but they do have their differences. Single-parentRead MoreBroken Family Structure Leads to Educational Difficulties for Children1253 Words à |à 6 PagesEducational Difficulties for Children UNITED STATES, January 16, 2006 ( - The U.S Center for Marriage and Family released a study in November 2005 that shows broken family structures consistently lead to education difficulties for children. ââ¬Å"When it comes to educational achievement,â⬠the study says, ââ¬Å"children living with their own married parents do significantly better than other children.â⬠The report found that children from non-intact families (children living in a situation otherRead MoreThe Number Of Juveniles Committing Crimes1745 Words à |à 7 Pageschild comes from can determine whether they will become a criminal. There are 3 main categories that have been discussed that researchers believe may affect the way a juvenile acts. These categories are family disruptions, single parent households, and lower class living. All these categories are things that come up in every study done to figure out whether a juvenile is affected by its environment. The first category of discussion is family disruption. This can be considered parents divorcing
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Group Working And Group Behavior Samples â⬠
Question: Discuss about theGroup Working And Group Behavior. Answer: In any organization, especially in those in which efficiency and productivity is an issue of concern, group working and group behavior is a key element, which has significant implications on the performance of the individuals as well as on the team and the organization as a whole. Team work works as a source of motivation and excitement among the employees and help them to flourish better. This has evidences in real life, as can be seen from the impressive performances of many organizations which promotes and supports team building and working together. However, work groups and work team are not the same. There is greater level of cohesion and joint effort in the latter than in the former, as the latter works towards achieving collective goals. The thought that comes in mind after reading and going through the materials regarding this aspect is that team behavior is also important for problem solving, designing new ideas and implementation of those ideas for the betterment of performance of the organizations. If relevant employees of a company sit together in designing strategies for the improvement of performance of the same, then with the inclusion of different insights, the strategies become more robust and inclusive.
Monday, April 6, 2020
Mixed Economy free essay sample
The term that would best describe these businesses would be a mixed economy (socialism and capitalism). A company that does compete in larger contract work will look at long term goals, meaning how long is this contract for, what services or goods will we be provided. Than that company will have their contract personnel do their estimating of figures for manpower, tools, equipment, services, etc. to win the contract so that their company would win the bid for that contract. These companies will start hiring new employees to have the necessary personnel with the skill set to fulfill the contractsââ¬â¢ mission. Many large businesses may win multiple bids with the federal government (departments, agencies or military) which plays a big role in the competition for specific contracts. These businesses may develop or expand their goods and services to keep the flexibility for the companyââ¬â¢s growth to keep winning future contracts with the federal government. We will write a custom essay sample on Mixed Economy or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page There are various industries that have been growing continuously but a few that have been growing quickly in the past few years; medical, aviation, military, electronics, information technology or engineering support. The Information Technology industry has been a big part and demand in every industry that needs and requires technical support, especially in most businesses that rely on computer networks. Whether small, medium or large companiesââ¬â¢, computers will be the mainstream that will always need to have a person or company to troubleshoot, maintain and manage their networks to an optimal performance. Recently ââ¬Å"Boeing and the government of Qatar signed an agreement on July 21st. for the purchase of the C-17 Globemaster III air lifter to provide new strategic-airlift mobility capabilities for the Qatar Armed Forces (QAF). Qatar will sign a Foreign Military Sales agreement for contractor logistics support with the U. S. Air Forceâ⬠. The following corporations have been competing in government and military contracts for awhile are: Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman, Boeing, ManTech and Boeing.
Sunday, March 8, 2020
Definition and Examples of Graphemes
Definition and Examples of Graphemes Aà grapheme is aà letter of the alphabet, a mark of punctuation, or any other individual symbol in a writing system. The grapheme has been described as the smallest contrastive linguistic unit which may bring about a change of meaning. Matching a grapheme to a phoneme (and vice versa) is called a grapheme-phoneme correspondence. Etymology: From the Greek, writing Examples and Observations Trevor A. HarleyThe basic unit of written language is the letter. The name grapheme is given to the letter or combination of letters that represents a phoneme. For example, the word ghost contains five letters and four graphemes (gh, o, s, and t), representing four phonemes. There is much more variability in the structure of written language than there is in spoken languages. Whereas all spoken languages utilize a basic distinction between consonants and vowels, there is no such common thread to the worlds written languages.Linda C. EhrieTypically, beginners are taught grapheme-phoneme correspondences when they begin school. These associations are easier to learn if students already know the names of letters, because most letter names include relevant sounds, for example /t/ in tee, and k in kay. . . .There are about 40 distinctive phonemes in English, but 70 letters or letter combinations to symbolize phonemes. This makes pronouncing spellings easier than writing correct spellings. David CrystalGraphemes are the smallest units in a writing system capable of causing a contrast in meaning. In the English alphabet, the switch from cat to bat introduces a meaning change; therefore, c and b represent different graphemes. It is usual to transcribe graphemes within angle brackets, to show their special status: c, b. The main graphemes of English are the twenty-six units that make up the alphabet. Other graphemes include the various marks of punctuation: ., ;, etc., and such special symbols as , , and (à £). . . .Graphemes . . . may signal whole words or word partsas with the numerals, where each grapheme 1, 2, etc. is spoken as a word that varies from language to language (a logogram). . . . And several of the relationships between words are conveyed by graphology more clearly than by phonology: for example, the link between sign and signature is very clear in writing, but it is less obvious in speech, because the g is pronounced in the second word, but not in the fi rst. Florian CoulmasSpellings like to, too, two, sea, see, and phrase, frays, multiplied by hundreds of other examples, make for complex grapheme-phoneme correspondences, but the interpretation of written texts does not depend on these correspondences alone. Exploiting other systemic levels of language is equally common and practical. The plural of both dog and cat is uniformly indicated by -s, although it is [dogz] but [kaets]. In the event -s can be understood as indicating the plural morpheme rather than a sound. Accordingly, such spellings are sometimes referred to as morphograms.Cauline B. LoweMany phonemeââ¬âgrapheme correspondences are conditional. The spelling of a given phoneme depends on the speech sounds that come before or after the target phonemeââ¬âgrapheme correspondence.à For instance, doubled consonants oftenà follow short vowels inà closed syllables:à stuff, doll, mess, jazz. This pattern is an orthographic convention; the extra letters do not correspond to extra sounds. Each of these example words has only one consonant phoneme at the end of the word.
Friday, February 21, 2020
Compassionate Care in Cancer Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Compassionate Care in Cancer Management - Essay Example Compassionate care is an approach to treatment that aims to address the various issues affecting the lives of terminally ill individuals by improving their quality of life. Medical physicians and other healthcare personnel work to reduce any pain and discomfort and to make any other specific symptoms affecting these patients more manageable. This care is provided within an environment that the patients feels the most comfortable though they may be taken to hospital in the event any serious medical crisis occurs requiring specialized treatment. An important aspect of compassionate care is the provision of spiritual and psychological support to the terminally ill patients. These people have terminal diseases that are incurable and therefore have a limited time to live. As such, they suffer many psychological problems such as the feelings of grief, anger, anxiety, and sorrow because of the various diseases they have and the changes that have occurred in their lives because of those illnesses. In addition, they might feel a sense of guilt due to the feeling they are placing a large burden on their families, especially financial burden as the treatment of these diseases is very costly. Providing psychological and spiritual support to these patients is very important as it helps to address the various questions and concerns that they might have and to offer comfort as their lives draw closer to an end. It also helps those left behind to cope with the loss of the loved ones who have passed on. Erving Goffman established an important perspective to understand further the symbolic interaction perspective through the dramaturgical approach (Ditton, 78).
Wednesday, February 5, 2020
The Facebook Effect on the Interactions of Freshmen Essay
The Facebook Effect on the Interactions of Freshmen - Essay Example In all the recruitment methods, interested subjects were asked to send the research assistant an email regarding the project. They would then receive extra information together with a web link that would enable them complete the survey in their free time. The study was divided into three sections. The first section measured the personality traits such as homesickness, anxiety, depression, stress and self-esteem. The second section assessed the subjectââ¬â¢s behavior on Facebook and details such as their number of friends, the number of messages received and sent and the number of comments they received on their posts.After one year, in January 2011, the same subjects were approached again through email to participate in the same survey. The participants were also contacted in June and September 2011. The aim was to access the longitudinal information collected from the subjects who participated in all the four instances in which the study was offered as well as analyze the data fr om the participants who had been involved in the study in less than four cases. The sample size in October 2010 was 161 subjects. In January 2011, there were 171 participants.The analysis of the data from the surveys clearly shows that the use of Facebook is a practical method of managing stress due to the transition to University. Linear regression showed that students who received the most comments and private messages on their posts had a higher self-esteem than those who received less feedback.
Tuesday, January 28, 2020
Changing Concentration of Hydrochloric Acid
Changing Concentration of Hydrochloric Acid How will changing the concentration of hydrochloric (HCl) acid affect the rate of hydrogen gas (H2) production during the reaction with magnesium (Mg), using the pressure buildup by hydrogen gas? Introduction Factors that influence rates of reactions include change in concentration, temperature, surface area, or the addition of a catalyst. This experiment will specifically investigate the effect of concentration change of the reactants upon the rate of reaction, using hydrochloric acid and magnesium strip. The concentration of HCl acid solution is controlled through serial dilution. 2HCl(aq) + Mg(s) à ¢Ã¢â¬ ââ¬â¢ MgCl2(aq) + H2(g) This experiment in particular will explore how the pressure changes as the above reaction proceeds. Because the reaction produces hydrogen gas as a product, building up more pressure within the confined space of a test tube, a pressure sensor will measure the rate of reaction. After the reaction begins, approximately 20 seconds of data will be collected with each trial, in order to formulate a common trend (a graph of pressure over time). With average slopes of different amount of concentrations, a linear regression line will then be created to sketch the trend, regarding the effect of concentration upon pressure-the rate of reaction. Hypothesis According to Collision Theory, the reactant particles must collide together, and thus creating a reaction. Because increasing the concentration of HCl acid solution also means an increase in the number of hydrogen and chloride ions, collision between the reactant particles increases as well, resulting in more products-hydrogen gas. With more production of hydrogen gas in the confined test tube, pressure will build up. Therefore, if-at a given period of time-the concentration of HCl acid solution increases, then the rate of reaction will increase accordingly, because more collisions will occur, producing hydrogen gas at a higher rate. Variables Variable description Method of measuring variable Dependent variable Pressure buildup due to the reaction between hydrochloric acid solution and magnesium During the reaction, H2gas is produced, thus increasing the volume within the confined space of a test tube and increasing the pressure. This change will be recorded by a pressure sensor. Collecting data for about 10 seconds before the injection of the magnesium strip, the measurement of pressure will continue for about 20 seconds after the reaction begins. Three trials are required for each concentration of HCl solution to minimize random error. Rate of reaction Using the more accurate initial rate of the reaction, about 10 seconds of the graph after the reaction begins will be used to create a slope of change in pressure over time. Independent variable Concentration of HCl solution Using serial dilution along with apparatus such as micropipette and flask, the 1M hydrochloric acid solution will be diluted into 0.5M, 0.25M, 0.125M, and 0.0625M. Controlled variables Mg strip (length) Using a ruler and scissor, the Mg strip will be cut into 15 pieces, each being 1cm. Volume of hydrochloric acid solution For each concentration, 3cm3of hydrochloric acid solution is used, accurately measured by a pipette. Temperature of reactants The temperature remains constant at room temperature (approx. 25 degrees Celsius) throughout the entire experiment. Shaking of the test tube To create the most accurate results possible, physical motion when slightly shaking the test tubes must be repetitive in the same way for each trial. Size of the test tube Because different sizes of test tubes would mean different volumes as well, constant size (volume) is essential, preferably small so that the reaction will be more conspicuous. To do this, 15 identical test tubes are used. Table 1: List of Variables Apparatus and Materials 1M hydrochloric acid solution Distilled water Magnesium strip Flask (50cm3) Pressure sensor Logger Pro Micropipette 15 identical test tubes Sandpaper Scissor Procedure Put 20cm3 of 1M HCL solution in the flask and dilute it to 0.5M with 20cm3 of distilled water. Using the serial dilution as in step 1, prepare 10cm3 solutions with concentrations of 1M, 0.5M, 0.25M, 0.125M, and 0.0625M. Add 3 cm3 of each solution into labeled test tubes using the micropipette. Repeat step 3 to prepare three test tubes of each solution (15 in total) Cut out the magnesium strip into 15 pieces of 1cm and sand them with sandpaper. Put the cut out magnesium strip into the test tube with 1M HCl solution. Then quickly cover the test tube with the pressure sensor. Start collecting data while shaking the test tube in a consistent manner for about 25 seconds after the reaction begins. Repeat steps 6 to 8 for all other test tubes. Data Collection and Processing Qualitative Data After the injection of the magnesium strip into the HCl solution, it effervesces and pressure inside the test tube begins to build up. With test tubes of higher concentration, the pressure seems to be higher within the time limit and more bubbles form. At the end of the reaction, the solutions color changed to transparent yellow. The reacted solution (product) gives off a foul smell. Processed Data Data Presentation 1 0.5 0.25 0.125 0.0625 Uncertainties Standard Deviation Standard deviation was calculated and represented in the rate of reaction vs. concentration graph as error bars. Standard deviation for different concentration of HCl solution Standard deviation was calculated by a graphing calculator. Uncertainty due to the serial dilution of HCl solution Uncertainty due to 1cm3 Uncertainty during dilution measuring pressure (?) Conclusion In Figure 1, the trend of different concentrations of reactants influencing the rate of reaction is illustrated. The linear regression line demonstrates the clear change in rate of reaction, according to the change in concentration-the lower the concentration, the slower the rate of reaction. Hence, the initial hypothesis, stating the direct relationship between concentration and rate of reaction, is justified and validated. Evaluation Shown by Table 4, in which the standard deviations for each concentration of HCl solution are calculated, the results of this experiment are fairly precise, but not to a great extent. Moreover, uncertainties created during the preparation of the experiment, as with the management of apparatus and materials such as the gas pressure sensor, flask, and micropipette decreases the accuracy. Although Figure 1, the graph containing the general trend of concentrations effect upon the rate of reaction seems to validate the hypothesis, the rate of reaction of 0.25M HCl solution stands out of the trend, decreasing the validity of this experiments results. More factors that may have hindered obtaining accurate results of this experiment include: Error Impact Improvements Using hand to shake the test tubes for faster reaction rate Any non-perceptible (by humans) changes influenced each reaction to proceed differently, ultimately creating different circumstances for each trial. This change in circumstances is crucial since it greatly hinders accurate results. The use of a vibration plate instead may reduce error as it is more consistent. Reproducible circumstances can be better achieved.
Monday, January 20, 2020
Comparing Nietzsche and Schopenhauers Attitudes Towards Life Essay
Comparing Nietzsche and Schopenhauer's Attitudes Towards Life ABSTRACT: On the basis of his metaphysics, Schopenhauer was led to advocate quietism and resignation as attitudes toward life. In the course of his career, Nietzsche reversed his estimation of Schopenhauer from initial agreement to final excoriation. In what follows, I examine and assess the grounds on which Nietzsche revised his opinion of Schopenhauer as educator of humanity. I argue that three fundamental issues divide Nietzsche and Schopenhauer. The first concerns the eliminability of human suffering. The second regards the value of sympathy to those who feel rather than are recipients of this sentiment. The third is the value of cultivating indifference to the suffering of others. Schopenhauer considers suffering as inextricably bound up with human existence, whereas Nietzsche views suffering as a sign of weakness that is ultimately eliminable from human existence. Schopenhauer assumed that sympathy and compassion have a benign effect upon those who experience these emotions; Ni etzsche maintains they have the opposite effect. Contra Nietzsche, Schopenhauer deplores the cultivation of indifference towards the suffering of others. I defend Schopenhauer against Nietzsche on all three issues, though I argue that Schopenhauer exaggerates the ubiquity of human suffering and hence the need and desirability of the cultivation of self-denial. 1. Nietzsche's Revaluation of Schopenhauer On the basis of his metaphysics, Schopenhauer was led to advocate quietism and resignation as an attitude to life. As is well known, Nietzsche held Schopenhauer's views on this and other matters in far higher esteem at the start of his intellectual career than he did at its end. To... ..., Friedrich (1965), Schopenhauer as Educator, trans. J.W. Hillesheim and Malcolm R. Simpson, (South Bend, Indiana, Gateway), pp. 25-26 (2) Nietzsche, Friedrich (1968), Twilight of the Idols and the Anti-Christ, trans. R.J.Hollingdale, (Harmondsworth, Penguin), pp.79-80 (3) Nietzsche, Friedrich, op cit, p.75 (4) Nietzsche, Friedrich, op cit, p.88 (5) Nietzsche, Friedrich, op cit, p. 88 (6) Mill, John Stuart (1962), Utilitarianism, (ed.) M.Warnock, (Glasgow, Collins), p.26. (7) Nietzsche, Friedrich (1968), Twilight of the Idols and the Anti-Christ, trans. R.J.Hollingdale, (Harmondsworth, Penguin), pp.118-119. (8) Schopenhauer, Arthur (1965), On the Basis of Morality, trans. E. F. J. Payne, (Indianapolis, Bobbs-Merrill), pp. 211-212. (9) Nietzsche, Friedrich (1969), Thus Spoke Zarathrustra, trans. R.J.Hollingdale, (Harmondsworth, Penguin), p.103.
Saturday, January 11, 2020
Why Should We Conserve Our Coral Reefs Before Its Too Late?
Why Should We Conserve Our Coral Reefs Before Its Too Late? The International Union for Conservation of Natureââ¬â¢s latest report warns that half of the coral reefs could disappear by 2045. Coral reefs are diverse ecosystems that support different kinds of fish species and other organisms under the sea. They are home to as many as 150,000 species in any given coral reef (Harris 1060). They are located in warm, shallow, and tropical marine waters where there is enough sunlight available for the coral reefs to thrive. It is very hard to estimate how much of the ocean floor is covered in coals because of the various places that they are located.The water temperature is also a very big influence on the growth and survival of coral reefs. For a coral to survive, the temperature needs to be around 74-78 à °F and no lower then à °F. When the temperature gets too cold or too high, the coral starts dying immediately. The destruction of these coral reefs has become a dominant problem in the last ten or so years, resulting from various causes. As the number of coral reefs is rapidly declining and destruction is heading toward an all time high, while the rate of destruction is heading toward an all time high.We need to take action to conserve our coral reefs before it is too late. The destruction of coral reefs is being caused by both natural and manmade causes. The number one natural reason for the destruction of coral reefs is global warming. In an article for the Natural Wildlife Federation, author Joe Pupree explains the immediate effect of global warming and puts it into perspective saying, ââ¬Å"While for most terrestrial creatures, the worst effects of global warming are decades away, for coral reefs the future is already here. The obvious major spikes in the oceans temperature are evident in many tropical regions today, showing pressing evidence that this is an increasing issue. The warmer water temperatures have also assisted in creating a new issue among t he coral reefs known as coral bleaching. Coral bleaching is the second biggest problem within coral reefs. When coral bleaching occurs, the coral basically gets rid of the algae that are living inside of them, which is what gives the corals their vibrant various colors.Corals draw in oxygen from algae in exchange for nutrients and carbon dioxide, so when corals expel their algae it is because they are experiencing a time of stress. When this happens the coral loose their color and turn white or become transparent. In 1998, for example, extreme water temperatures triggered a rare massive bleaching that left few corals untouched (Dupree). After this disaster, it was estimated that about 16% of the worldââ¬â¢s corals had died in less than that one year.Regrettably, natural causes arenââ¬â¢t the only thing destroying our coral reefs, humans are also adding to the damage. Things like oil spills, coral mining, and dynamite fishing are all things that we have control over but havenâ â¬â¢t done anything about. Even tourism can be physically damaging to the coral reefââ¬â¢s structure. The list of factors contributing to the destruction of coral reefs goes on and on. Throughout the world there are some well-known coral reefs that have been affected by the destruction.Ten years ago when reefs mysteriously started dying off the coast of Key West scientists began to investigate. The way they conducted the research to find out why these coral reefs were dying, was that they cornered off parts of the reef with metal stakes and sent divers with cameras frequently so they could monitor corals and signs of pests and disease. A decade later, the metal stakes were still in place at Easter Dry Rocks Reef, but the corals themselves were gone (Dupree). Another reef that is being affected is Australiaââ¬â¢s Great Barrier Reef.Charlie Veron, a coral expert and a longtime chief scientist for the Australian institute of Marine Sciences says that ââ¬Å"A history of the Gre at Barrier Reef is a catalog of disasters caused by planetary chaos. But they are disaster from which the reef has always coveredâ⬠(Qtd. In Dupree). As for todayââ¬â¢s reoccurring disasters the prospect for coral reef recovery is uncertain. With the destruction of coral reefs becoming such as escalating problem, there have been several efforts to save them. The issue of global warming affecting the coal reefs is the top priority for the National Wildlife Federation.They claim to be ââ¬Å"backing congressional legislation to reduce greenhouse gases, publishing reports on warmingââ¬â¢s impact on wildlife and collaborating with state affiliates on the grassroots effortsâ⬠(Dupree). Management plans have been put into place that strictly enforces the limitations and controls on marine exploitation. This management plan has, however, significantly improved the health of some of the reefs they have tested this method on. There are also organizations such as ââ¬Å"Reef C heckâ⬠that encourages people to get out into their community and volunteer and make a difference.The goal of ââ¬Å"Reef Checkâ⬠is to educate the public and governments about the value of coral reefs and the crisis facing them. The coral reefs that are dying every day not only affect our oceans, but they have a direct and indirect effect on our country. The people who depend on seafood for economic survival are finally beginning to realize that these coral reefs that they never cared to try to protect is going to have consequences. Fishermen will soon not be able o make a living in the commercial fishing industry and the economy will suffer from that.The nonexistence of coral reefs will also take a toll on the tourism industry. Things like reef tours, snorkeling, diving, and fishing, will all be affected. As said in the article Coral Crisis, ââ¬Å"Globally, coral reefs are estimated to contribute more than 30$ billion a year in direct net benefits to human economics. â ⬠This is a huge sum of money and with the status of the economy at this point in time losing this money would be detrimental. Scientists as of lately have extracted over 1,200 potentially useful components from Cancer.If these components prove to be the answer to the curing of these terminal disease and there are no corals left, that could lead to some problems. Coral reefs are being destructed more and more every day. Whether it is by global warming making the temperature of the water unlivable, or by the stress placed on the corals until it causes them to become completely bleached throughout. It could also be caused by any human activities that harm the original nature of the coral reefs. The most prominent of the reefs being affected are the reefs in the Keys and in the Great Barrier Reef in Australia.Efforts to save the reefs have started to begin but these efforts are no where near the magnitude that is needed if we want coral reefs to be around in the years to come. The effects of these coral reefs ceasing to exist will become apparent soon enough, but by that time we start the conservation of these beautiful underwater ecosystems it will not help. As marine, biologist Chris Langdon from the University of Miami explains to us short and to the point that ââ¬Å"if we wipe them out, weââ¬â¢re not going to have them around for a very long timeâ⬠(Dupree). Word Count: 1240
Friday, January 3, 2020
Obesity in Ameirca Essay - 722 Words
The dramatic growth in obesity and over weight among Americans can become a hot topic, receiving widespread attention in the media. In a recent article in science magazine said that the national obesity rate will be 39% by 2008. Obesity has risen dramatically in the past 10 years. It is estimated that as many as one in five Americans is obese, a condition defined as being more than 30 percent above the ideal weight based on height. Even scarier is that obesity rates for children have doubled over the last 20 years, and overweight children are being diagnosed with obesity-related illnesses such as diabetes sleep apnea, and respiratory illness that in the past have only afflicted adults... They are eating too much-fat-rich foods such asâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦The body mass index is the measure used to define obesity. In adults BMI between 25 and 29 is overweight and BMI of 30 and higher is obese. In children with the BMI changes with age and gender.â⬠The center for disease control defines a child whose Body Mass Index is between the 85th and 95th percentile for age (meaning that 85-95% of his or her peers have equal or lower BMI) as being at risk for obesityâ⬠A child that has a body mass index of 95 or higher is consider obese. Obesity increases oneââ¬â¢s risk of developing conditions such as high blood pressure type 2 diabetes, heart disease, stroke, gall Bladder disease, and breast cancer. The tendency toward obesity is fostered by our environment the lack of physical activities with high calorie, and lost cost foods. The growing prevalence of obesity and overweight is a reflection of the enormous success for there United States food system. Food that is cheap and frequently high in calorie content is widely available. Over ten thousands years ago food was essential problem for most people. Food was considered sacred. Obtaining food by hunting and farming require a lot of physical activity. Now food is easily gotten and people no longer need to over exert themselves to obtain it. Obesity and being overweight has usually been viewed as a personal issue. But today with enormous attention now being focused on this issue there is aShow MoreRelatedEssay on Obesity in Ameirca647 Words à |à 3 Pages à à à à à Obesity has become a concern for many people in our culture. The obesity rate among Americans has gotten worse over the years. The topic of weight is very prevalent among people in todays society. Everywhere you look you see people of different weights and appearances. Tall, small, thin, wide, fat and skinny are just a variety of the words we use to describe people. Not many people are completely satisfied with their weight. People are constantly looking for ways to better themselves and improve
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